
Each of us adults was once a child but we, adults treat kids just like „something” else, strangers, like creatures from another planet. Children have their own world, so different from our adult’s world. This adult only regard as fair, adequate, valid, and through education we “mold” our children to adjust to us, to our way of life, action, thinking.

„Will you play with me?”, this is a question which very often adults can hear from children. Can we play? Can we all come together in their world? Do we have the courage, ability and willingness to do this? To be in their world means to be here and now, without duty, plastic behavior, conventions, or masks that we put on every day. The world of children is a world of real, honest, a world where you can feel free. Free in action, thinking, experiencing feelings and emotions. Children can in a simple but logical way describe the world and the environment. Do not impose themselves what is right and what is not. They work intuitively.

Let’s stop, do not chase, do not participate in any race. Live for the moment, not thinking about the past and plan for the future. Be present in the present, all by ourselves. Although for a while. Although in the play.

Will you play with me?
